Thursday, May 15, 2014

Parametric EQ 'Q' Number - Different on the Standalone Editor vs. Eleven Rack and Integrated Editor

When using the Standalone Eleven Rack Editor and the Parametric EQ, you will notice some differences in how the 'Q' setting is displayed.

My guess is that the Standalone Editor is using a Linear algorithm for the displayed number in relationship to the knob position, while the Eleven Rack and the Eleven Rack Editor that is integrated into Pro Tools LE 8 - Pro Tools 10, use a different algorithm.

For example, if I set the 'Q' to 5.2 on the Standalone Editor, the number displayed on the Eleven Rack and Integrated Editor will be 1.5

If I set the 'Q' to 9.6 on the Standalone Editor, it will display as 8.5 on the Eleven Rack and Integrated Editor, ect....

However, the tone you get, the actual width of the 'Q', will be the same.

So, what you need to takeaway from this is:

If you set up a Rig/preset on the Standalone Editor, then you take the Eleven Rack to a gig and check the 'Q' values from the front panel, DON'T CHANGE THE SETTINGS! The sound you get will be exactly as you had set it. The only difference is the number displayed. The actual width of the 'Q' is the same, the sound will be the same - only the number is different.

Watch the video below to see this in action

Keep in mind, the Standalone Eleven Rack Editor is at version 1.0.0, so it is possible this may change in the future with updates. But until then (if it happens at all) just be aware of the differences in the 'Q' number displayed on the Standalone Editor, Integrated Editor, and the Eleven Rack unit.

Learn more about the Standalone Editor and get the download link

Learn more about "Always on Top"

Download the DREAD, LOCK, and LOcK 2 Rigs

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